
We are pleased to provide you with a reference implementation of a PhoneGap plugin that integrates Nuance’s NDEV mobile speech SDKs.

Please Note This code is intended to show how a PhoneGap plugin can be created utilizing the NDEV SpeechKit framework. This is not 1:1 to the SpeechKit API, and was tested successfully for the version of SpeechKit defined in the version support section below.

Getting Started

Take the following steps to compile the sample iOS PhoneGap project

  1. Create an application on the NDEV portal

  2. Clone the PhoneGap Sample code for iOS into a repository

  3. Open the PhoneGapSpeechSample.xcodeproj file with XCode

  4. Download and integrate the iOS SpeechKit.framework

  5. Supply credentials and launch

Download PhoneGap Sample

   git clone git@github.com:NuanceDev/ndev-phonegap-ios.git


download a tar.gz file

Downloading SpeechKit

Please go to the NDEV portal and download the appropriate SDK.

Integrating SpeechKit

After downloading and unzipping the iOS SpeechKit SDK, add the SpeechKit.framework to the PhoneGap project. This can be done by dragging in the .framework folder into the Frameworks folder in XCode.

Integrate SpeechKit

After dragging the SpeechKit.framework into the app’s Frameworks, you will be prompted with some options. Here is that popup:

Import SpeechKit

For more in depth documentation on the SpeechKit SDK, please refer to the NDEV website.

Supplying Credentials

After adding SpeechKit.framework to the sample app, you will need to supply your app’s credentials.

Navigate to PhoneGapSpeechSample/Plugins/Credentials.m and provide the following

  • SpeechKit Application Key
  • NDEV Application ID

Supply Credentials

Navigate to www/js/sample.js and provide the following

  • Server URL

Add Server URL to JS

Project Structure

Here’s a high level snapshot of how the project is set up

	├── CordovaLib
	│   ├── Classes
	│   ├── CordovaLib.xcodeproj
	│   ├── CordovaLib_Prefix.pch
	│   ├── VERSION
	│   └── cordova.ios.js
	├── PhoneGapSpeechSample
	│   ├── Classes
	│   │   ├── AppDelegate.h
	│   │   ├── AppDelegate.m
	│   │   ├── MainViewController.h
	│   │   ├── MainViewController.m
	│   │   └── MainViewController.xib
	│   ├── CordovaBuildSettings.xcconfig
	│   ├── PhoneGapSpeechTest-Info.plist
	│   ├── PhoneGapSpeechTest-Prefix.pch
	│   ├── Plugins
	│   │   ├── Credentials.h
	│   │   ├── Credentials.m
	│   │   ├── ICredentials.h
	│   │   ├── PhoneGapSpeechPlugin.h
	│   │   ├── PhoneGapSpeechPlugin.m
	│   │   └── README
	│   ├── Resources
	│   ├── SpeechKit.framework
	│   ├── config.xml
	│   └── main.m
	├── PhoneGapSpeechSample.xcodeproj
	│   ├── project.pbxproj
	├── cordova
	└── www
	    ├── css
	    │   ├── index.css
	    │   └── sample.css
	    ├── img
	    │   └── logo.png
	    ├── index.html
	    ├── js
	    │   ├── cordova-2.6.0.js
	    │   ├── index.js
	    │   ├── nuancespeechkit.js
	    │   └── sample.js
	    └── res

The web implementation is within the www directory, and the app logic itself is in www/js/sample.js.

Plugin Interface

The plugin code is located in


The PhoneGap configuration file is located in


The JavaScript plugin code is located in


Initializing SpeechKit

When the app has launched and the deviceready is triggered, you can initialize SpeechKit.

This specific implementation requires the following arguments:

  • Credentials Class, the name of the class defined in the Plugins/ directory
  • Speech Kit Server
  • Port
  • Enable SSL
  • Success Callback
  • Failure Callback
function initSpeechKit(){

    var credentialsClass = "Credentials";
    var speechKitServer = "[server-url]";
    var port = 443;
    var enableSSL = false;
    var successCallback = function(result){};
    var failureCallback = function(result){};



Speech Recognition

The NDEV SpeechKit PhoneGap interface exposes two recognition related methods startRecognition and stopRecognition on the global element speechKit.

Provided that SpeechKit has been initialized, the startRecognition will begin to capture audio for ASR given the following parameters:

  • Recognition Type
  • Recognition Language
  • ASR Callback
  • Failure Callback

    function startRecognition(){
        // State: listening
        var recognitionType = "dictation";
        var recognitionLanguage = "en_US";
        var asrCallback = function(result){
            // switch on `result.event`
            //    'RecoVolumeUpdate', 'RecoComplete'
        var failureCallback = function(error){
            // switch on `error.event`
            //    'RecoStopped', 'RecoError'
                        failureCallback );


If you have endpoint-detection enabled, the system will not need to trigger an explicit stopRecognition request. However, if you do not have endpoint-detection enabled, or you simply want to stop the request, you will want to explicitly trigger it with the following parameters:

  • Success Callback
  • Failure Callback

    function stopRecognition(){
        var successCallback = function(result){
        var failureCallback = function(error){

Text To Speech

The NDEV SpeechKit PhoneGap interface exposes two synthesis related methods playTTS and stopTTS on the global element speechKit.

Provided that SpeechKit has been initialized, the playTTS will begin to play the synthesized text given the following parameters:

  • Text to synthesize
  • Language
  • Voice (optional if Language specified)
  • TTS Callback

    function playTTS(){
        var textToSynthesize = "Test";
        var ttsLanguage = "en_US";
        var ttsCallback = function(result){
            // switch on `result.event`
            //    'TTSStarted', 'TTSComplete', 
            //    'TTSPlaying', 'TTSStopped'
        var failureCallback = function(error){
            // switch on `error.event`
            //    'TTSError'

To issue the explicit command to stop playing the synthesized text audio, you can invoke the stopTTS function.

    function stopTTS(){
        var ttsCallback = function(result){
            // switch on `result.event`
            //    'TTSStopped'
        var failureCallback = function(error){
            // switch on `error.event`
            //    'TTSError'
        speechKit.stopTTS(ttsCallback, failureCallback);


PhoneGap Related

SpeechKit API Related

Version Support

We can guarantee that given the versions defined below, the app will successfully compile and run.

Apache Cordova2.6.0
NDEV iOS SpeechKit Framework1.4.5
XCode Target>4.2

If you have any questions, please visit our forum.